Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Below is an paper that I wrote for an English 202 class. It is a rough draft (so excuse the grammatical errors) however, it has a lot of good info! There is SOO much more I could have written on this topic but the class only allowd 10 pages.

Evolution vs. Creation
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Most people just laugh when this brain-teasing question is asked but never truly stop to consider that there could be a legitimate answer. The question fundamentally poses the argument over the origin of life because, in order to find the answer, one must first ask, ‘what came before the chicken and the egg?’. Many view this question as being too complex to answer and therefore, not worthy of any lengthy amount of research, while others simply do not want to get wrapped up in the controversy surrounding the theories of the origin on life. The answer to the question has been one of ever-increasing debate with-in the scientific, academic and religious communities. It has pitted colleague against colleague, church leader against congregation and parent against public school system and the intensity and fervor of each over the opposition makes one wonder why each holds so strongly to their view.
Evolutionists argue that Creationism is not scientific and therefore should not be taught as an alternative theory. Creationists argue that Evolution is no more scientific than Creationism and should not be taught as fact because it can not be scientifically proven. Creationists believe that if both theories are taught than the truth will prevail as students decide for themselves which theories sound more reasonable. Evolutionist however do not want Creationism, or any theory of Intelligent Design to be taught at all because those theories suggest that there might be an existence of a Creator, God, and if there is a god, than we would be accountable to him. Creationists believe that God created the whole earth and universe and everything in it and that
he created human-kind as a special creation, different from the animals he created. Creationism is the belief that God created human-kind to be set apart from all other living creatures because humans are the only being created in the image of God for the sole purpose of having a relationship with him. Evolutionists say that human-kind evolved from animal-kinds which evolved from single-celled organisms which evolved from organic compounds that were exposed to energy. However, Evolutionist cannot agree on Abiogenisis, or how life on earth could have arisen from inanimate matter, but they do agree that, however it happened, there was no creator.
Because of the varying explanations of the theories surrounding Evolution, especially since the discovery of DNA, there has been a large amount of confusion over the years among scientists and lay people alike. For example; the very definition of the word ‘theory’ has changed significantly over the decades. During the time in which Charles Darwin wrote ‘Origin of Species’, the word theory was understood to mean ‘hypothesis’ or ‘speculation’ or simply ‘an exposition of the general principles of any science’. In the later definitions however, the word theory has been changed to mean ‘principles devised to explain a group of facts –‘. Many modern day scientists even argue over whether or not to use the word ‘theory’ at all to describe Evolution because they believe it to be fact and the word theory implies, to them, something that is speculative. Many scientists have gone so far as to begin calling the ‘Law of Gravity’ the ‘theory of gravity’ so as to blur the lines between ‘Law’ and ‘Theory’. However, both the earlier and the later definitions of the word ‘law’ agree that is, ‘Only after numerous experiments by many scientists over an extended period of time can a hypothesis become a scientific law.” (2) This is why Creationists say that Evolution is no more science than Creation because it is merely a theory that can not be proven. To be a scientific fact, it must be able to be replicated and neither Evolution nor Creation can do so, therefore, both must be considered to be religious
beliefs believed by faith alone. In fact, the earlier definitions of what constitutes a scientific law states, “These tendencies or determinations, whether called laws or affections of matter, have been established by the Creator-“.
As Charles Darwin understood it, the truth about Evolution is that of speculative theory and his intentions in writing the book “Origin of Species” were merely to compile the facts of his research. In 1858 in a letter to a colleague regarding the concluding chapters of his book he wrote,” You will be greatly disappointed (by the forthcoming book); it will be grievously too hypothetical. It will very likely be of no other service than collecting some facts; though I myself think I see my way approximately on the origin of species. But, alas, how frequent, how almost universal it is in an author to persuade himself of the truth of his own dogmas.”
Creationist do not argue over the validity of many of his observations, especially as it pertains to changes of species over time, natural selection and survival of the fittest, however, many evolutionist have taken his theories a step further and have used them as a means for explaining away the existence of God. Even Darwin, a self-professed Christian (at varying times of his life) understood his theories must take a back seat to the all powerful creator as he once stated, “Christ Jesus and his salvation. Is not that the best theme?” However, many of his theories were contrary to those beliefs and that is why he struggled with the implication of them in suggesting that life originated randomly. He was bothered even more by the fact that people grabbed tightly to his theories and used them to try to disprove God and later in life he regretted having even proposed some of his theories for that very reason. Reflecting on the end of his life he admitted, “I was a young man with uninformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion of them.”

Creationists agree that people have made a religion out of evolution as the anti-God religion of atheism. As one writer has stated, “Evolution is an enabler for atheism. Evolution gives atheists a basis for explaining how life exists apart from a Creator God”. Many creationists wonder why Biblical Creationism is so repulsive to Evolutionist. Christians wonder why they would not want to know a creator who is capable of creating such complexities as the human body. Even Charles Darwin wrote “To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree. Charles Darwin, Origin of Species, 1st Ed., p. 186.
Evolutionists however stand vehemently against creationism even though the complexity of creation itself leans more toward being the evidence of an intelligent creator. In fact, Creationists believe that it takes more faith to believe in Evolution than it does creation because there is more evidence for creation than there is for Evolution. The Christian bible says, "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Psalm 14:1; 53:1). It goes further to state, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" (Romans 1:20).
Instead of shaping his theories after a belief in God, Charles Darwin postulated many of them after his predecessor; Earnest Hackle drew a sketch of what he titled, “The Tree of Life”. It suggested that all life originated from one common ancestor which evolved, by chance, from a single-celled organism. This is the primary point on which Evolutionist and Creationist disagree
however many creationist are simply quick to dismiss evolution because its theories suggest that there is no God. They simply say that they do not believe that man came from monkeys and then they leave it at that. This has proven a disservice to Christians because it has caused scientists to dismiss creationism and then neither side can truly explain their theories. The truth is that Evolution does not propose that man came from monkeys either but it suggests that man and monkeys had a common ancestor and because of natural selection, some of the offspring of that ancestor evolved and some did not until man and monkeys were so different from one another genetically that they could no longer breed. Evolution states that, “Natural selection can ultimately lead to the formation of new species” however, this is the area of evolution that has failed to be replicated and thus proven. The Public Broadcasting system states as fact that, “The evolutionary process of speciation is how one population of a species changes over time to the point where that population is distinct and can no longer interbreed with the "parent" population.” However, creationists state that science proves this is untrue. In order for Evolution (‘speciation’) to occur, the genetic information of one species must become more complex to classify as a new, evolved species. There is no evidence that this is possible of has ever occurred and because our understanding of genetics is so limited, scientist cannot explain how, or at what specific point one species genetically evolves to create another, new species. Evolution is simply an outdated theory that was developed before DNA was even discovered.
With recent advancements in the knowledge of animal and human genomes we have discovered that each ‘kind’ of animal has enough common genetic information to breed only with other animals of its kind and thus, each animal of that kind is from a common ancestor but animals of two different kinds cannot be from the same ancestor. For example, a dog and a wolf can produce offspring, a lion and a tiger can produce offspring but a chimpanzee and a human
cannot, nor have they ever been able to as Evolution suggests. As Ken Ham of the Creation Museum in Florence, Kentucky believes, a dog is a dog and a bird is a bird and they will always produce after their own ‘kind’. The ancestor of a cat will never produce a horse and the ancestors of monkeys never produced a human. It was first thought that this was because chimps and humans have a different number of Chromosomes because most animals of the same kind (animals that can breed) have the same number of chromosomes. This is true of canines, felines,
etc.; however there are some exceptions such as a horse that has 64 chromosomes can breed with a zebra that has 44 chromosomes because they come from the same ‘kind’ of ancestor. The important thing for the success of cross-species breeding is that a significant number of the chromosomes of each mate match up and are homologous. In other words, the common ancestor of these two species should have had common traits, which were passed down to those two (modern day) species. This is not the case with monkeys and humans. Humans have 46 chromosomes and monkeys have 48 and of those, states that “humans and chimpanzees share about 98 to 99 percent of their DNA.” However, what they fail to mention is that their chromosomes are not homologous which indicates that they did not have a common ancestor. The alleles on a strand of human DNA will not fuse with the alleles of chimpanzee DNA no matter how frantically scientists try to make it happen in their labs. If fact, the only time that interspecies breeding has occurred between animals with a differing number of chromosomes was in a controlled environment because animals such as zebras and horses are not generally found together in the wild. So interspecies breeding is not natural and when it does happen, it does not have a positive outcome. The offspring is usually sterile, not allowing the further procreation of a genetically weakened animal. Thus proving that some theories of Evolution are self refuting because if two different species mated to produce a new species and
by some odd chance that new species could procreate, that new species would die before it found a suitable mate with which it’s chromosome were homologous. In other words, several animals would have to have birthed their new evolved offspring at the same time which Evolution states does not happen because each new species randomly evolves over many years. If, by chance, two did evolve at the same time then these offspring would both have to be able to procreate, which is highly unlikely since nearly all new species are sterile. Then if those offspring were both capable of procreating, they would have had to been sequestered in order to choose only each other with which to mate. This type of controlled environment does not occur naturally and even if it did, the chances of it happening multiple times are null. The whole process would have to be repeated in order for a future generation to evolve into a more complex species. This process would have had to have happened numerous times in order for the predecessors of humans and monkeys to have produced a hybrid offspring. If this did occur than it would still be occurring because both monkeys and man still exist and therefore we would see the evidence of evolution in some type of transitional form. There would be many of these transitional creatures roaming the earth; however, scientists cannot even prove that there has ever been one ‘missing link’ discovered between monkey and man. All the claims of various skeletons of these links have been disproven as many of them were found to have been altered by scientists. Charles Darwin himself stated that, “Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be argued against the theory.”
Evolution suggests that the genetic information of a creature becomes more complex when it evolves, however, in nature, the only time we see an increase in genetic information is when
there is a mutation and this has never been a positive thing. In humans, for instance, an extra twenty first chromosome causes Down’s syndrome. Creationists believe that our genetic information is not evolving but it is being diluted and degenerating. Biblical creationists believe that the devolution of animal and human genomes began when disease and death entered the world approximately six thousand years ago when the first humans, Adam and Eve sinned. They believe God created human beings as a special creation; separate from all animal life which he
also created. They believe that Humans were the only creatures created for a special relationship with God. The Bible says that God proclaimed, “"Let us make man[h] in our image,(P) after our likeness. And(Q) let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; (R) male and female he created them.” Animals were created as a lower life form and humans were created to be stewards over them. Man-kind was originally completely innocent, not knowing right and wrong, not even ashamed of being naked and they were vegetarians. There was no death and they would have lived forever, but when they forgot about their love for God, their creator, and began to think selfishly, they ate from the only tree in the garden which God; their creator had commanded them not to eat, the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. He told them beforehand that they would die if they ate from the tree because they would then understand the difference between good and evil and be accountable. At the very point that they ate the fruit, death entered their body and their DNA was no longer perfect but at that very moment began degenerating. Their bodies began to wear out and they past this trait down through the generations so that human lifespans have gotten shorter and shorter from the corrosion and breakdown of our DNA. put it this way, “The problem is
like a large book, written with perfect grammar in the beginning, but with random letter substitutions introduced at an ongoing rate. The book will still be readable for some time, but it will eventually lose all sense. Just as the universe is projected to reach a state of maximum entropy, so also the human race is condemned to a degenerative death, not just as individuals, but as a whole.” The only hope for man-kind would be for the creator himself to put perfection back into humanity and that is exactly what he did. The Bible says that the first creature to die in the flesh was the animal that God sacrificed to cover their sin (nakedness). The bible says in Genesis “21And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.” Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth who lived in the middle east approximately two thousand years ago came as the “last Adam” and died on a cross as the last sacrifice to cover all sin once and for all and all a person must do is accept this fact as truth to live forever in Heaven after the death of their bodies. Jesus was the perfection that God put back into humanity to save us from the degenerative decay of sin. Christians believe that the God of the whole universe wants to have a personal relationship which each and every human being and therefore, they are not merely animals but were created with purpose and therefore every human being is valuable.
Evolutionists have misunderstood the creator God as someone who simply wants to impose his law on humanity and they see him as insensitive and uncaring because they do not understand the purpose for which human beings were created. Ironically, in the struggle to hold a more companionate view, evolutionist have de-valued human life all together by suggesting that man has no purpose and that his is merely nothing more than a complex animal. This belief has been the fuel for the fire of genocide throughout history.
The reality is that a person’s belief about the origin of life defines how they view the entire
world and this worldview determines choices that a person will make and how they will treat
others. If we are nothing more than animals that evolve than some of those animals are less
valuable than others depending upon their evolutionary complexity, therefore they are
disposable. If there is not a God, than there is no one to be accountable to since God wrote the
law. If there is no law of the Bible, like ‘thou shalt not murder’ than anyone could do whatever
they chose, however they chose to do it, without recourse. In fact, many propagators of
Evolution have used the theory to justify their lawless acts including Charles Darwin’s
propensity towards racism, Margret Sanger’s propagation of abortion and birth control on
demand, and Hitler’s extermination of the Jews. In fact, Darwin’s book (published 24 November
1859) was originally titled, “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” but later was changed (in 1872) to be
called, “The Origin of Species. He believed as many white Europeans believed, that non whites
were a sort of ‘missing link’, savages, lower on the evolutionary scale. He stated, “At some
future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost
certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. - Darwin, Descent,
vol. I, 201.
Margeret Sanger, the - founder of the largest birth control and abortion provider today, known
as Planned Parenthood – also was a racist and desired the extermination of ‘human weeds’ as she
called them. She stated, "Give dysgenic groups [people with 'bad genes'] in our population their
choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization."Her goal was to imbed her birth control and
abortion centers in the middle of the ghetto to exterminate those whom she considered as “less
than human”. She stated, "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social- service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach
to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to
exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Out right acts of genocide were too
obvious and Sanger believed that she could easily dupe the “less intelligent” into killing their
own children. In her book ‘Women and the New Race’ she wrote, "The most merciful thing that
a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Margaret Sanger began the movement of undercover genocide in the United States which lead
to the legalization of abortion on demand in 1973 and, to this day, although African American
women only make up thirteen percent of the population, they have accounted for over thirty
percent of the women for which abortions are performed. In fact, recent studies have recorded a decline of the population of black Americans in the last three decades and it would appear that,
regretfully, Sanger’s goal is succeeding. The Canadian biochemist and bioethicist Greg Wolbrin
g has observed, "With genetic selection, the mother becomes the quality control gatekeeper of
the gene pool. This is not really choice, it's eugenics. We can't kill imperfect people, like the
Nazis did, so we do it more subtly by preventing their birth."

Creationists desire to see a day when all human beings will understand their value in the eyes
of their creator and when society will stop treating human life as if it is disposable. Creationist
believe that all of the genetic traits which we see reflected in the various skin colors today were
originally contained in the perfect DNA of the human father and mother of all of the living –
Adam and Eve. We are all, therefore brothers and sisters and we are all of one race – the human
race. This is one scientific fact that cannot be disproven and our loving Creator desires to see us
all treat each other as each of us desires to be treated - as the valuable, priceless human beings
that we are. We are the miraculous creation of a wonderful God.

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